A race with 18 year-old me?

When I decided to start this blog, I had a lot of things I knew I would eventually write about. I planned to have a series on being a newbie gardener, chronicles of my ongoing nutrition and fitness efforts, and battle stories about days spent with toddlers and preschoolers. There have certainly been many blogging ideas that have crossed my mind. But there is one thing in particular I have been thinking and dreaming about and I’m excited to share it with you now.

Beating My 18 Year-Old Self

I turned 30 years-old in October of 2013 and in honor of getting older, I set a goal of running my personal best time in a 5K race before I turn 31. In high school, I was primarily a mid-distance runner and I only had the chance to run a handful of 5K races my senior year before injuring myself. I was devastated when I couldn’t run the regional cross country meet especially since I knew my best time would have qualified me for the state meet.

Despite the fact that I have always thought I have a lot of potential and room for improvement as a distance runner, it is still scary for me to think about beating the speedy teenage me. For the 5K, my personal best from high school is 21:18 and my most recent race was slower then I ever ran in high school, a whopping 24:45 (though it was with no training plan in place). So, I need to shave off over 3 minutes from my most recent race… I can totally do it! Don’t you worry, I have a plan and will share more about that soon 🙂

I have indeed been sharing this goal and my training plan with close friends, but there’s a huge accountability that comes with sharing it publicly on this blog and in social media. So with a few ounces of courage, I invite you to follow along as one of my encouragers, as I embark upon this journey to meet my goal. There is much work to be done and I look forward to sharing my progress with you along the way.

For now I will leave you with some words from 18 year-old me:

Crossing the finish-line to qualify for state in the 400 Meter Dash

Crossing the finish-line
to qualify for state in the 400 Meter Dash

Life is like a race. To get better you need experience and practice. You learn from a race just as you learn from what each day brings you. Someone is always trying to be on top and you never know who will be eating the worms that are kicked off your spikes. Each curve brings something new and unexpected. You find yourself striving to keep your knees up and not lose your composure. When you find the will and desire to keep going you may find yourself failing. Each time you pick yourself up with more courage than the last time, is the extra second you improve your time. Every time you practice, someone else could be practicing too, so work harder. You keep getting better and in the end when you find the determination, desire and heart to win, you will succeed.


I am participating in the Blogging 101: Zero to Hero Challenge. This post was Day 3: A Penny for Your Thoughts


16 thoughts on “A race with 18 year-old me?

  1. Good luck! I’m excited for you and, goodness, what times you have. You’ve got this!

    I was never very athletic in school. In high school you had to be able to run a mile to pass phys ed. I traded that out for some clerical work for the teacher and got a passing grade. At the ripe old age of 37 I started jogging. I ran my first 5k in that same year. The fastest I’ve been able to finish one is 34:45.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for the encouragement! Well I certainly don’t view running in an elitist way 🙂 I am grateful when I have friends that choose to be active over being sedentary. I have a background in Health and Exercise Science and one of the main things that sticks out to me is the need to help people find things that they love to do, that also gets them moving. For me, I am super competitive and that does keep me going a lot of the time. And good for you for choosing to start jogging at 37, I have a lot of friends who didn’t become runners til later in life 🙂


  2. Vanessa, I remember the days of running along side you! You pushed me to be the best I could be, I miss having you by my side! I could sure use it now, getting me out and running is about as difficult as putting laundry away right after washing it. Some days it is easy, but most days I stay in a pile on the couch, haha! I also remember that fateful day of running 300s right after a major rain that brought all the worms ALL OVER our track!! Nobody had slow times the day of the worm massacre. 🙂 HUGS!!
    And GO GET ‘EM GIRL!!!! May that 18 year-old’s PR quake in its spikes, for I know what it is like to be on the other side of your fantastic competitive spirit!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow Stacy, thanks for such encouraging words. Oh how I miss our track days – I would love to chat and reminisce about the worms and other fun stories… my memory is selective and I want to remember more!

      And oh, I understand the whole thing about remaining a pile on the couch… I am in the process of attempting to be a year-round runner… it’s not easy! Wish we could run together again… but because of our history I wish it could be with our fast sprinter legs in a 4×400 or medley relay. Oh, and I found a great picture the other day of you handing off to me from an old newspaper article… I will post on Facebook 🙂


  3. Good for you, and good luck with it! I’ve just started running myself, I’m doing about 5k myself each time, I always thought running was a slog, but I love it! I never thought I’d say that!

    P.S I nominated you for a Liebster Award, here are the rules, and the link to my nomination…


    These are the rules:
    The Liebster Award is awarded to bloggers with under 200 followers to try to promote their blog a little and also bring together a community of bloggers. The rules of the competition are as follows:
    The nominated user must provide a link bank to the person who nominated them.
    Provide 11 facts about yourself.
    Answer 11 questions set by the person who nominated you.
    Choose 11 more people and ask them 11 questions.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: A Wish Met and Training Unleashed | Dreaming In Earth Tones

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